Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I love it when....

I love it when I get gas just before the price goes up 17 cents! I filled up yesterday for 3.38, and today it is 3.55/3.56. Love it!

I love it when I get addicted to a whole album by Imagine Dragons.


I love it when I finally finished my first care map/ paper for clinical last night!
My crappy first care map.
We draw lines to "connect the dots" for our
interconnections paper.
I love it when fall colors cheer me up from having a crappy Monday.
This beautiful site is why I love fall on campus.
What do you love?
Happy Hump Day!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Currently, vol 34.

Happy Sunday everyone! I am glad to say that I have survived my first day of clinicals, but just barely. I only got one hour of sleep Friday night from 3:45-4:45. See we have preclinical work (that takes a long time), clinical work (stuff at the hospital), and postclinical work (which just sucks). It is going to be a long day around here working on my care map, paper, and journal. I now do not have a weekend, but it is only for another 6 weeks. Hopefully I can catch up on sleep again tonight; I got 11 hours of sleep last night.

I love all the pumpkins this year, but just not pumpkin spice lattes. Yuk.

reading nothing but textbooks. Tomorrow we have two long chapters to read. One for pharmacology. One for med surg.
writing my journal, interconnections paper, and my first care map!
thinking about my upcoming week. It will probably be a good one.
smelling my shampoo.
wishing for a good day for finishing this postclinical stuff. I also need to start it.
wearing a sweatshirt and yoga pants. Big shocker there!
loving the sunshine!
wanting to sleep.
needing to catch up family and friends but I don't know when that's gonna happen.
feeling tired. oh so tired.
clicking the publish button!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cancer sucks.


Hi friends,

I am quickly writing this post as I am trying to be productive before I go to sleep because I have my first med-surg exam Friday. Anyway that is not the point of this post.

I want to ask for prayer for a mutual friend of mine. His name is Sam, and he is only a couple of years older than me. Sam is a newlywed, son, brother, Christian, and a cancer survivor. He has had cancer twice, and he has beat it! He is currently in the hospital fighting double pneumonia, a staff infection, and kidney failure. He has been put into a medically induced coma, and his odds aren't looking the greatest right now. So, me and hundreds of people that he is friends, family, and acquaintances with are asking for prayer. Prayer that could save his life because this doesn't affect just him, but this affects his wife, family, friends, church family, and tons of people who have been with him through out his life. I have only met him a handful of times, but I know just from those experiences how wonderful of a man he is. He has made an impact on me, and it would be a shame for him to be taken from his beautiful bride now. Thanks so much!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Currently, vol 33.

Well here we are again, it's Sunday. It has been an interesting week to say the least. I have had many hours of homework and class because we are switching gears with transition to the clinical setting. I am at Ingalls hospital on a stroke/med-surg floor, and I am very excited, nervous, and scared to death of my first clinical on Saturday. Yes you read that right, I have my clinical hours on Saturday. So, I must go to the hospital to prep my patient on Friday, work with my patient on Saturday, and do all the post clinical work on Sunday. This is my last weekend until after finals. It is a sad day around here.
Loving all the fall things!
reading and writing my pharmacology notes for tomorrow's exam. There are so many drug classes this time around, and I am just a tad bit anxious about this test.
writing many notecards about drugs! Aren't you jealous?
thinking about my ever growing to-do list with tutoring this week (they have an exam), preparing for my med-surg exam, and hopefully fitting in a workout or two.
smelling good food in the oven that my aunt threw together.
wishing for good study time this afternoon.
wearing a sweatshirt and yoga pants. Big shocker there!
loving the sunshine!
wanting to do very well this week with all the new things happening with clinicals and exams
needing to prep for the week. 
feeling excited and nervous all at the same time.
clicking the publish button!

Have a great week!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Recap: Fall break!

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you all had a lovely day. I have been studying a lot for my pharmacology exam on Monday. Today I went to Chik-fil-A with Lori and her roomie Bay. After that, we went to Target for ice cream (and candy), and we are now watching Miss Congeniality. I am writing this post, and then  I will be back to studying.

Last weekend, we had a 3.5 day weekend, and my lovely friend Lori invited me to go home with her to the Holland, MI area. We did lots of sleeping! That is one thing that I have been lacking over the last two months of school.

Friday we slept in way to late, and had cinnamon bears for breakfast (well at noon). We went shopping and went to Holland State Park for the sunset, and it was unbelievable! I have so many great pictures from the sunset on Lake Michigan. (This was big for me. IL has only sunrises on the lake not sunsets!) We watched Princess Bride, did peel off face masks, and ate smachos!

Saturday we slept in again, but not super late. We went to a couple more stores because there is never enough shopping in a woman's life! We went to Green Acres Market, and we got pumpkins and apple cider donuts! We made acorns (donut holes, nutella, brown sprinkles, and a pretzel stick), and we watched Life of Pi in the afternoon. After dinner, we played Settlers. Which if you have never played that game you are missing out!

Sunday we went to church, and went over to one of Lori's families house after to chit chat. Of course before we left, we had to play another game of Settlers! After that, we made the drive back to school to start our week refreshed and ready to go. So here are some pictures from our very fun weekend! Thanks Lori for taking me home with you!

Lori and I!

Big RED!

My beautiful friend!

This is probably my favorite!

Come back tomorrow for my currently post!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Currently, vol. 32

I have survived another week here in the nursing program, and I finished two nursing courses on Thursday! How is it possible that we've already been through 2 months of school? I am currently sitting in MI with my awesome friend Lori who invited me to her home for our three day weekend. It has been great catching up on each other's lives (since we've both been so busy), shopping, and eating wonderful food.
One of my many sunset pictures in Holland, MI.

reading not much. I really do have to read for class tomorrow, but I don't want to.
writing this blogpost. I feel like I am terrible blogger because I really don't have time.  
thinking about how I don't want to go back to IL and back to classes/reality.
smelling good smells aka lingering breakfast smells, good smelling sheets, and hair products.
wishing for this day to go very slowly.
wearing a sweatshirt and yoga pants for now. I will get dressed for church in a few minutes.
loving Michigan and Lori!
wanting to sleep for a week straight. The past to months has finally caught up with me.
needing to be prepared for my week, but I don't see that happening.  
feeling sad that the weekend is over, but I think I will get to see my Uncle tomorrow who I haven't seen in six years.
clicking the publish button!