Blessing #1: I woke up this morning before my 8am alarm, surprisingly. I ate chocolate mini-donuts because I felt like it, and I watched the Bachelor. Juan Pablo has an awesome accent let me tell you. Plus he is attractive! This was a great start to my morning.
Blessing #2: I proceeded to get ready for my 11am Nursing Research class by taking a shower, picking out an outfit, and packing my lunch. My blessing was listening to my Christian station on Spotify. (This is a big deal being that my laptop is finally working after literally months of it not working, and a trip to the repair center in Texas). There are only three songs on my playlist, but it was so great because I needed it.
Blessing #3: After class, I went to Starbucks, and I might start going every Tuesday. Here's why... I know a barista named Eddie, and he and I are friends (ish). It's hard to explain. So here's the story.... I was being taken care of by another barista, and he walks up saying, "I'll take over for you (to the other dude). What can I get you(talking to me)?" I proceeded to order, and tried to give him money. He said, "For you, no charge." He follows that line with a wink. Let's just say, I haven't been that excited about free coffee in a long time. It was the perfect day for him to do such an unexpected gesture. I haven't stopped smiling (on the inside). That would be weird if I smiled for hours while studying for pathophysiology.
A friend fed my coffee addiction. I am so thankful. |
By now, you are probably thinking enough with the blessings or something like that.
Blessing #5: Lori. Another great friend of mine is an extremely busy student teacher this semester. She is graduating this year among other friends of mine. I get to have dinner with her faithfully once a week. She is a constant reminder with how busy she is that we all need to push through. I will get dinner with her tomorrow evening. Therefore, she is my future blessing. (Plus her hugs are the
I feel truly blessed today. I am so thankful for the people I have interacted with today. They have made me feel loved. Some days, I just don't have the drive to do anything, but today I have felt so positive about the future. Maybe it's all the caffeine (hazelnut coffee from the BBC and a venti mocha), but maybe I am just starting to see all the potential for my life. Things have been so negative since the end of last semester due to the overwhelming emotions of failing of my first med-surg class of nursing school, but I am ready to be a successful person. I feel like this post is so random now, but I can't express how ready I am for the rest of my life. So, it's time to dig deep in my studies, and prove to the world that I am nursing student not to be messed with!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9 This verse has stuck with me for a while, and it is just what I needed this week.
Hope you all have had a great or at least good Tuesday.
P.S. I hit over 10,000 pageviews last night!