Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

Today has been a great day. I even woke up early without my alarm, and read a book. I talked to my mom and dad. Had two moderately good meals from the dining hall. I am done with classes for the day, and  I paid the remainder of my tuition today. Today has been a great day.

That is the best balance in the entire world.
I know this is very cliche to say, but "I can do all things (include writing large checks) through Christ who gives me strength." This has been the toughest summer for me emotionally and economically. I have been able to live a life where money is normally budgeted or scarce, but this summer has taught me dedication and persistence to paying for my education. It felt so good to walk out the business office twenty minutes ago thinking I am free (economically) for another 4 months. I may have shed some happy tears. Who knows what the next bill from school will bring, but for now I am free. 

Tonight I will be studying, exercising, socializing, and thanking God for the wonderful life He has given me.

I am off to study the body regions for my anatomy quiz, going running with Lori and Cassandra, and going to Zumba with my girls.


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