Sunday, April 28, 2013

Currently, vol. 11

Wow, where'd the weekend go? This weekend has gone crazy fast, and I have only done half of the things on my to do list. Friday, Lori and I went shopping and got froyo. It was so fun, and then we spend a good two hours watching YouTube videos! Saturday, Lori invited some friends to have a cookout with her and her family. Her dad made us chicken fajitas on a dutch oven/cast iron thingy. They were fantastic along with all the other food too and an amazing cheesecake! After that, Rachel, Kaity, and I went to try on our future scrubs for clinicals next semester! We were so excited, and we all looked so cute! Today, I am being productive with homework/studying, and then I have a meeting with a group for our sex trafficking presentation. So here is what's going on currently.
Chocolate Cheesecake.
We may or may not have two slices each?

Bringing back the 90s!

Pig pile!

We found a little deer!
This is Senica ( I might have spelled it wrong). She is
Lori's 2nd cousin.

Me and Kaity

Rachel and me

reading over my anatomy notes for our exam tomorrow!
writing information for my sex trafficking in Cambodia meeting today.
listening to the annoying fan in my laptop.
thinking about the fact that next year's tuition, fees, and clinical fees are posted, and how I am going to pay for it.
smelling nothing right now, but the house smelled like bacon this morning!
wishing there were more hours in the day. why not 25?
hoping this week goes fast and furious. I have three presentations and one exam on top of normal homework.
wearing my new t-shirt from Opus last week and running shorts. (not that I have time to run today)
loving the weather! It is supposed to be 80 in Chicago on Tuesday, and that is my short day!
wanting get a pedicure. My feet just look so sad in sandals and flipper floppers due to calluses.
needing summer to get here quicker! I think we're down to 19 days until the semester is finished.
feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of time consuming events, meetings, and school I have this week. I have nothing next week which bothers me.
clicking on nothing. After I finish this post, my laptop is going to sleep for a while so I can study. Well, maybe I will hope over to fb for 5 minutes.

Have a good week!

I have tears in my eyes while adding this note to my post, but a close church friend lost her battle to cancer today. Jenny was such a beautiful person and a fantastic mother. She will be forever in our church's memories and we will miss her dearly. Here is a video of her. I just hope you will pray for her family and friends especially her little girl who is so precious.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Currently, vol 10.

Well it's already Sunday, and I have not gotten any homework done. Why, you ask? Because my home flooded Wednesday when everyone got rain. There wasn't as much as there could have been, but there was enough that my mom asked me to come home from school to help bleach everything, move everything, and make sure there was no mold growing. We got rid of so much stuff, and we donated even more than we threw out. I am so thankful it is over because my body is so sore and tired. I can finally have three meals again. I think I had one meal Friday and one Saturday.

This is the town next to mine, and none of this should be underwater.
It is a known to be a flood area though. A big stretch of a major road is closed  too.
reading over nine different books to I can write my research paper and powerpoint on Abraham Maslow for my Lifespan Development class. I am so dreading the ten page paper.
writing lots of homework assignments today, papers this week, and notes for exams.
listening to a clock tick. Too bad that that's one of my biggest pet peeves are clocks ticking.
thinking about all that I need to get accomplished before a group meeting for a presentation on sex trafficking in my philosophy course.
smelling nothing due to the random cold I have had for a while.
wishing I had a hot tub. That just sounds fantastic for my sore back; especially since I have back problems to begin with.
hoping to get a lot accomplished today and maybe get Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee with a friend (hint hint if you see this)
wearing (do you even have to ask?) a crew neck sweatshirt that's two sizes too big, and comfy sweats.
loving the sunshine coming in the window! After two weeks of on and off rain, I am glad to see the sun, and I realized how much I take it for granted.
wanting to eat a Denver omelet minus the onions. Too bad I don't know how to make an omelet.
needing a hug. I never get enough.
feeling content, but I am also nervous for my busy week.
clicking on my email account to see if anyone cares about me. JK.

Well that's all for what's going on in my life currently.
Have a great week!

link up here!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Letters.

Oh, happy day that it's Friday!

I am so happy the weekend is here.

Dear Friends, Great news! It is snowing in April. C'mon Chicago get with the times; it is time to wear shorts and flipper floppers. Dear Eye, thanks a bunch for finally healing. Styes aren't my friend, and I can finally wear makeup again. Dear Boston, Waco, and MIT, I am praying for safety and justice for the families affected by this terrible week in America. Dear Basement, I will be home in like four hours you are going to be clean. No more flooding okay? No more rain! Dear philosophy, I do not want to research about sex trafficking. It is a terrible subject, and I do not want to present on this topic. Dear microbiology, please allow me to begin studying you now in preparation of our exam next week. 

I guess that's it for now, and go link up your own Friday Letters


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ah Wednesdays...

We are halfway through the week people, and I am dreading the weekend. Huh? Did I state that correctly? Yes ma'am. I want to hang out with friends and family, but after the weekend is over is what I have problems with. My schedule next week is going to kill me. Literally kill me. I have so many projects and presentations to be working on. I have a microbiology exam that I need to do very well on. I have to complete more service hours for a presentation. Also, on top of all those things, I need to go to a doctors appointment at home on Wednesday. I will probably just spend the night at mom's, and then make my morning commute which is six times the normal 12-minute drive. I definitely foresee a DD run before that drive.

Speaking of DD, my friend Lori and I went to Dunkin' Donuts Monday and Tuesday. I should probably just get a job there. My oh my. We both tried their new coffee drinks: butter pecan and mint chocolate chip. They are not too shabby. I definitely like getting their coffee rolls (aka sticky, cinnamony donut) because it is ginormous and delicious!

I have been spoiled so far this week with seeing my family. Saturday everyone was at the bday party for TJ. Sunday almost everyone helped my cousin and her husband move into their first home. Man was I sore (in a good way). Monday, my school had the brilliant idea of testing the fire alarms in the buildings on campus, and so of course the fire department is there and yet another cousin. My cousin Brian just got a full-time job at the fire department in the town where my school is located. So, he was on campus when my old dorm's alarm went off, and I got to say hi to him as my friend and I walked to class. Yesterday, I went over to help Sarah pack some of their final things left in the condo. Finally, today everyone met up at Tim and Melissa's house (more cousins) for Melissa's 30th Birthday dinner. We had pizza and pie. It was just fun to sit and chit-chat. I love my family. Good times.

I think I will call it quits for now on this blogpost. I have a class prep writing due, and I just feel like watching a movie. What will it be?

Miss congeniality or...
The Lucky One

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Currently, vol. 9

Oh. my. word. It has been the longest weekend of my life in a good way. Friday, we took a Target run, and made a trip to the mall where I bought a pair of faux-Toms. (I completely lost my first pair plus got green paint on them) Saturday, I relaxed in the morning, and then we went to a birthday bash for my cousin's son Tyler who turned one! Today, I helped one of my other cousins move out of their condo to their new home. It was such a long day, but we had fantastic weather! So, here is what is going on in my life currently. 
The cubby, adorable TJ attacking his cake.
Addy had to help too. 

reading about disease in microbiology class. Ironically, my prof came down with a horrible sickness on Thursday and cancelled Friday's class. 
writing  a 6 page essay on the novel Life of Pi. It was a great book, but I am not in the mood to write about it. Does anyone want to right about imagination and reason according to this book for me? 
listening to my friends Spotify station. She has got some music that I just love listening to. 
thinking  about how thankful I am that last week is over. I really need to focus on getting the correct amounts of sleep again. I believe I averaged 4 hours of sleep a night. I'm sorry that amount is a nap to me. 
smelling /tasting the two Airhead I just ate. I picked up a 6-pack of Airheads from Target on Friday. They were just speaking to me.
wishing that we had a Dunkin' Donuts on my campus. I just really want to be able to walk to DD and class with iced coffee. 
hoping that it doesn't rain as much as it's supposed to in the Chicagoland area this week. We already got a good amount last week, but April showers bring May flowers. So, I suppose it is all worth it. 
wearing sweats life always!
loving my life. Spring just gives me this new found appreciation for all the things around me. 
wanting to sleep. 
needing hopefully nothing for now, my wallet doesn't like me anymore. It thinks that money is supposed to routinely leave my wallet. Umm. no. 
feeling soreness. My body took a beating today while moving. It was a fantastic workout in and of itself. 
clicking the Microsoft Word tab at the bottom of my screen to continue writing my 6 page Life of Pi essay due tomorrow. 

link up with Lauren

Saturday, April 13, 2013


I have been thinking about how I never do posts except on Sundays anymore. I have also been thinking about how I focus so much on myself these days. I wanted to bring attention to somethings I am thankful for.

-God: He keeps me sane, He keeps me safe, and He loves me despite my sins.
-My family: I don't where I would be without them.
-My friends: The people who give the best hugs and can always make me laugh!
-Seymour: My car is a fantastic vehicle. It may have it's perks, but it gets me from point A to point B.
-Professors: Even though you make life terrible; you are giving me an amazing education at a Christian college.
-C: Despite all we go through you're still there. We are just a little crazy and indecisive.

These are just a few things on my mind, but I could go on and on. So, this might become a regular thing.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Letter's

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!!

So, I was reading one of my favorite blogs, The Sweet Season, and I have decided to start doing the Friday link up instead of homework. Sounds good to me!

Dear Hawaii, It's been almost two years since I left you! I think it is terrible how long we have been separated. Hopefully, I can return to you within the next decade? Dear homework, I would really like you to dissapear as a reward to my terrible week. I am hoping to accomplish much of you today in order to have a relaxing weekend. Yeah right. Dear Weekend, I am looking forward to you seeing you soon. Tomorrow should be a blast right? I get to see my madre, and it is also Tyler James's First Birthday Party!!! Dear Tyler James, you are the cutest little second cousin ever (besides Addy and Claire). I hope the next year will be a great one for you, and I hope to see your very often. I hope you like the gift my mom and I got for you! Dear Life of Pi paper, I would really like you to write yourself. Yes? Okay, great. Dear C, I really like where we are right now. I don't know what is going to happen, and it's scary. I just hope to figure it out soon. Dear Target, please be kind to my wallet today. My friends and I would greatly appreciate it since we frequently visit you when were bored. Dear Lori, I am so greatful for your friendship, and I am soooo excited that you got the job! I can't wait to see your pictures and crazy tan when we go back to school in the fall!

That is all.
Have a great weekend guys!
Link Up!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I am alive (I promise)!

Hey all!

I know that I am a terrible person, and I totally put blogging on the back burner for the last two weeks. I attempted my Sunday currently post, and I am pretty sure that I only completed like three of the words before I said sleep is more important. I have been pulling my hair out with frustration at how busy pretty much everyone has been. Here's a glimpse at what I have been doing.

My friend, Kaity, and I got up at 4:45 am on Sunday to head to downtown Chicago to volunteer at the Shamrock Shuffle 8k. We had a blast! There were just over 40,000 participants in the race; which, to me that is just crazy talk!
We calculated it to be nine hundred cups on the table at one time!
Monday, the anatomy exam didn't go as planned. I didn't study enough due to the above event completely killing all energy I had. My grade went down a whopping 3 points. I'm sorry the class average was a D, and mine was definitely only a 59. What a bummer for my confidence.

Yesterday, the nursing students took the TEAS test. We arrived on time to the computer facility at our school, and we got set up. Some students got this crazy box; so they switched computers. There were so many problems that we called IT at the test company, and they proceeded to tell us to download firefox. Then they had to download Silverlight. We finally got to take the exam about an hour later than planned. I got frustrated with the Science portion, but Reading, Math, and English was a breeze!! I passed with flying colors. Yay! 

Today is the last day to get into the cadavers; we have so much to study for this practical! We are covering I believe 12 pages of information of the Digestive, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Urogenital systems. I take the practical at 4pm tomorrow. (I am beginning to panic!)

So, this is all of what's been happening in my life as of late. I am excited to take a very short breather Thursday night, and then I have to jump back into the swing of things for a long paper due on Monday. 

Have a great week/ weekend!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Why I love jogging/walking...

I went for a two mile jog/run/walk. I'm not sure how to categorize it, but I loved every minute of it. The neighborhood I live in currently has adorable houses, curvy streets, and similar names. Chicago suburb neighborhoods are very uniform is a good way (so I don't get lost). So here are a few reasons that I noticed today of why I love going for a run...

-I see so many cute houses. (Lori and I call it "Pinterest-on-the-go") I get to "pin" houses, landscapes, and decorations that I like (mentally).
-I get to see so many cute dogs, squirrels, and birds!
-I see kids, teens, runners, and mail carriers roaming the streets.
-My surprise favorite of the day: I got to see a two ducks walking down the sidewalk, and they even crossed the street together quickly before the mail lady drove by.
-My most favorite: I get to see God's wonderful creation, and I get to talk with Him.

These were just some of my thoughts from today's run.
Happy Friday!

Monday, April 1, 2013

It's been five long years.

April Fool's Day is typically full of fun and happiness. My families' is not. We mourn the loss of a great man. My grandpa passed away April 1, 2008 of cancer, and I miss him dearly.

Grandpa and I
How has it been five years already? Five years ago, I was a freshman in high school. I was just learning how to drive. Five years ago, my grandpa was sick. Cancer had taken its toll on him, but he was a fighter! We had found out he was sick in '07, I believe. We went on a family cruise to the Caribbean in the summer of 2007. It was to celebrate my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary, and man did we have a blast! I think we all knew down deep that this would be the last time the family was complete and moderately healthy.

April Fool's Day was practically designed for my grandpa. He was the king of being goofy and funny. He could wiggle his years, and make us laugh to no end. I remember eating ice cream with him; either that or jelly beans. He seemed to always be able to put a smile on his face. Especially when he popped his false teeth out! I thought he was hilarious! Man, those were the times!
I love you!
I remember it like it was yesterday. My mom had picked me up from school. I believe I had been at extended care waiting for her to pick me up. My day had been fine, and we were pulling out of the parking lot. Mom told me grandpa died today. I was so confused. It was a joke; it had to be! It was very hard for a while to accept it. It still is because it was and is the perfect day for him to go.

I understand that you are pain free in heaven, but there is the selfish part of me that wants you here. I want to see you again, and not just sitting by your grave like I did today. I wish it was fair, and I just want to hear your laugh one more time. I would kill for it; all of us do. Your family misses you dearly, and we love you so much. You are treasured and loved by so many.

Jerrold O Snider
Sept 26, 1933- April 1, 2008
Rest in peace grandpa. I know you are in a better place, but it is still hard. Xoxo.