Sunday, April 14, 2013

Currently, vol. 9

Oh. my. word. It has been the longest weekend of my life in a good way. Friday, we took a Target run, and made a trip to the mall where I bought a pair of faux-Toms. (I completely lost my first pair plus got green paint on them) Saturday, I relaxed in the morning, and then we went to a birthday bash for my cousin's son Tyler who turned one! Today, I helped one of my other cousins move out of their condo to their new home. It was such a long day, but we had fantastic weather! So, here is what is going on in my life currently. 
The cubby, adorable TJ attacking his cake.
Addy had to help too. 

reading about disease in microbiology class. Ironically, my prof came down with a horrible sickness on Thursday and cancelled Friday's class. 
writing  a 6 page essay on the novel Life of Pi. It was a great book, but I am not in the mood to write about it. Does anyone want to right about imagination and reason according to this book for me? 
listening to my friends Spotify station. She has got some music that I just love listening to. 
thinking  about how thankful I am that last week is over. I really need to focus on getting the correct amounts of sleep again. I believe I averaged 4 hours of sleep a night. I'm sorry that amount is a nap to me. 
smelling /tasting the two Airhead I just ate. I picked up a 6-pack of Airheads from Target on Friday. They were just speaking to me.
wishing that we had a Dunkin' Donuts on my campus. I just really want to be able to walk to DD and class with iced coffee. 
hoping that it doesn't rain as much as it's supposed to in the Chicagoland area this week. We already got a good amount last week, but April showers bring May flowers. So, I suppose it is all worth it. 
wearing sweats life always!
loving my life. Spring just gives me this new found appreciation for all the things around me. 
wanting to sleep. 
needing hopefully nothing for now, my wallet doesn't like me anymore. It thinks that money is supposed to routinely leave my wallet. Umm. no. 
feeling soreness. My body took a beating today while moving. It was a fantastic workout in and of itself. 
clicking the Microsoft Word tab at the bottom of my screen to continue writing my 6 page Life of Pi essay due tomorrow. 

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