Sunday, August 25, 2013

Currently, vol 27.

How are the weeks going by so fast? I am home again after my trip, and school starts in three days or so. I am not ready by any means, but here is what's going on currently...

Red Rocks!

reading all the chapters required before school starts in many of my nursing books! It is actually very overwhelming. I am not a happy camper with how much there is to do including work and packing.  
writing in my planner all the syllabus info and class schedule/labs.
thinking  about all I need to get done in the next two days before moving to my aunt's again. 
smelling nature while sitting in my room typing away... I am writing this late Saturday since I work today, and I don't have time to blog after work. I have to get some serious schoolwork done today.  
wishing that the days will not go by so fast.
wearing t-shirt and shorts of course. 
loving how much fun I had in Denver with Cassandra. Come back tomorrow for a recap of my trip!
wanting to hit the hay early to catch up on sleep lost on my trip. I think I slept 12 hours in three days apprx. 
needing to clean my room, do laundry, pack, finish my homework, and make some phone calls. 
feeling very tired and fuzzy (mentally). I went a little crazy while driving from CO, but definitely not as bad as Cassandra.  
clicking the publish button! 

Have a great week!
PS link up with lauren...


  1. so glad you had fun in denver! the beginning of school is so rough, but soon enough you'll be back in "the grind." :)
