Sunday, September 29, 2013

Currently, vol 31.

Happy Sunday! I am happy to say that I survived my terrible week, and I passed every exam, test, and validation. Passing in the nursing program is a 76. So I celebrated yesterday kind of. My friend Lori and I made pizzas at my aunt's, then did some homework, made pb cookies, and watch Princess Diaries. I am excited for a semi-calm week, but it will be pretty bad after next weekend.

This is what my week has looked liked with studying. 

reading so much. There are so many chapters that we have to read for tomorrow.
writing notes upon notes upon my professor's notes.
thinking  about getting up to make myself some breakfast.
smelling no a whole lot after this cold I have had for over a week.
wishing for a very productive day.
wearing t-shirt and shorts of course. After I get ready for the day, I will probably have another t-shirt on and yoga pants.
loving that I have been able to "sleep in" for two days now. The latest I have slept in this month is today (8am). It's so sad, but hey I've gotta do what I gotta do.
wanting to go for a run. I have lost a couple pounds without even trying, but I really do need to get my butt in shape for the wedding.
needing to figure out my schedule for the week with open lab, tutoring, and class of course. 
feeling overwhelmed as always.
clicking the publish button!

Have a great week. 

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