It's also super tiny. |
Here is what's going on currently..
Reading: The One & Only by Emily Giffin. It is actually due tomorrow at the library. Unfortunately I won't be finishing it as I am on page 2.
Thinking: about how I want to arrange my room.
Listening: fireworks... I guess illegal fireworks are starting early this year. (IL is in between to legal states for fireworks)
Writing: this post and then heading back to hulu to catch up on the 13 shows in my queue.
Smelling: the putty to fill holes in the wall.
Wishing: for no rain tomorrow! If it does rain, I have errands and chores to accomplish too.
Hoping: summer will actually arrive. Yesterday was the "first" day of summer, but it has been in the 60s/low 70s here by Lake Michigan with lots of fog and rain.
Wearing: pj's as it is bed time.
Loving: the change to my room. Maybe it will help me to accomplish other things on my to do list... since I am feeling motivated.
Wanting: to workout, but the Reese's flavored Oreos sound awful tempting.
Needing: to enjoy the next 2.5 days off of work.
Yay for feeling productive!