Sunday, April 27, 2014

Currently, vol 50.

Another week has come and gone. My stress level is ever increasing, and my quality of sleep is decreasing. We are approaching finals! I am very ready for summer, but there are two weeks of classes and finals in my way. Today is going to be a good day. It is my cousin's youngest child's baptism, and it is the same cousin's middle child's 2nd bday party. Oh, also the blackhawks are playing! 
Yes, yes they are.
So here is what's going on currently...
Reading: well finished reading The Fault in Our Stars. This was such a good book. 
Thinking: about the homework I should have done this weekend, but errands took longer than anticipated. Also, I just didn't want to do it. 
Listening: Ellie Goulding in the background.  
Writing: this blog post. I need to blow dry my hair though...
Smelling: my shampoo? 
Wishing: for warmer weather. Chicago is supposed to get rained on all week. :( It's only in the fifties too. 
Hoping: for a good day, but I still want to be home early to do homework and pack. 
Wearing: a towel on my head and a t-shirt that is so big it's a dress. 
Loving: that there are buds on the trees and tulips are coming up! 
Wanting: for finals to be done and over. 
Needing: to eat breakfast. 
Feeling: stressed beyond comprehension. 

I hope you all have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. I love you and am praying for you as the end of the semester nears! I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out like we planned :(
