Tuesday, June 25, 2013

UPS Interview and the Stanley Cup...

Hey everyone,

Happy Tuesday to you all. I woke up with every intention to have a good day, and surprisingly I did. I threw my back out yesterday carrying a cat litter bucket down to the basement. Yep sounds as bad as it is. I severely injured my back playing basketball in the 7th grade, and it is just one of times where you move funny and you're down for the count. Today I had an interview with UPS (the big brown trucks).

So here's what went down. I got to the address and parked, and it was pouring rain. I go into this little hut, and ask where I am to go. They give me directions around the back, and I venture out into the rain again. Somewhere between the hut and my car I drop an envelope. I didn't notice until I got into the interview because we were to have documentation that we can legally work in the US blah, blah, blah. In the envelope is my birth certificate and my social security card (more on this later). I sit down with the HR person, and we are chit chatting, all the usual stuff, and he says, "Okay, we will let you know if we want you to come back for another interview." Umm, okay? I just hope that it is soon that I hear from them. I leave the interview, and I get back to my car praying the envelope is on my seat. Nope. My heart drops, and I speed all the way over to the parking lot searching for a white envelope. I see it, and I run for it. The envelope is soaked, BUT the documents are completely dry! It was just short of a miracle for having sat in a puddle for thirty minutes. I hope that I hear from them soon because I am desperate for a second job!

In other news, if you aren't from Chicago or aren't a hockey fan... The Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup late last night in Boston in Game 6 of the Finals. Their game was fantastic. They scored two goals in 17 seconds to beat the Bruins 3-2 with about a minute left in the game. My facebook newsfeed exploded, as well as my phone, and many fireworks in the neighborhood. I am very happy for them, and I can't wait to (hopefully) go to the parade in Chicago on Friday to celebrate their win!

The parade will look something like this one for their win just 4 years ago!
Congrats Chicago! Have a great rest of your week everyone!

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